29 Apr National Road Safety Week 2018
Posted at 23:10h
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In 2017, 1227 people were killed and another 35,000 seriously injured on Australian roads. Traffic injury is the biggest killer of Australian children under 15 and the second-biggest killer of all Australians aged between 15 and 24. These numbers are growing every year but are fully preventable.
At MBM Insurance Solutions, we take road safety extremely seriously. As the core of our business is made up of transport operators, we are happy to support initiatives that draw attention and aim to improve awareness around road safety.
National Road Safety Week is an annual initiative from the Safer Australian Roads and Highways (SARAH) Group, partnering road safety organisations and Government. The week highlights the impact of road trauma and ways to reduce it.
Everyone at MBM Insurance Solutions has taken the pledge and we you all to do so too.
To find out more and to read Sarah’s story visit their website.